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Please send packages to:

Major Louis Zeisman
HHC 3/505 3BCT
P.I.R. 82nd. Airborne Div.
APO AE 09384

Somewhere on the box please write "Operation Love" so that Louie knows that it came from here..

Here is a list of what you guys can expect... these are packed items ready to ship or shipped already to you, so you know what to look for:).

Asylum Members Shipping List (will add to list as they pack and post):

Mary Loveless (mclove57)- email: mclove@barndayz.us
Candles, Insense, Soap, Plastic Soap Holders, Lotion, Candy all kinds, shavers, toothpaste, Christmas Cards, Christmas Items

Helen Starkweather (soapaddict)- email: helen@zensoaps.com
Am sending soaps, 3 tubes toothpaste, large pack of Incense, some other goodies that I have yet to pack:).

Patrice Andersen (melusina)- email: elixir@zoominternet.net
My package will go on Monday or Tuesday the latest...I'm sending soaps and little malibu's of hand creme.
Beef Jerky
Various and sundry treats and surprises...I'm not telling all my secrets

Anna (Anna4247) email: anna4247@yahoo.com
I know so far I will be sending some incense and some cards... I still havent quite got the box together yet so will update... Ill probably throw in some lotions too and maybe lip balms and some salves...

Janie Bourke (dixichiq) email: dixichiq@yahoo.com
I sent some Copenhagen dip, Christmas Cards and Incense

Lisa Leung(evlcuddlz) and fiance Chris - email: lisal@graffiti.net
I am sending soaps, but my fiance wants to send some goodies too

Hedge (hedge)

Angela (Angela) email: acgibson@wave-net.net
I'll be going shopping and mail off my package as soon as I get back from my grandma's funeral later this week. I know I'll definately be sending soap and Christmas cards but not sure what other goodies yet.

Lance (imaginesoaps)

Robin (RobinE)

Maureen Compton (Sweetgrass-Canada) email: mcompton@cogeco.ca
I (Mary) got her package today.. in it is soaps.. soap & lotion bath gift sets.. Christmas Cards, several tubes of toothpaste and lots of candy

Matchy (Germany) email: jeeper0815@yahoo.com
Plus her Mom at: Fingerleclan@aol.com
my mom will be shipping out the first box of cookies and christmas-cards this week.

Also her "baking-church-connection" is on the job. They will all bake cookies and ship them. I don´t know how many though.

12-09-03- Hello you all,

my Mom´s Baptist Church got 7 Boxes together and they are shipped now.

She was told they will be there before christmas.


Lauren (purpleskys)

Mely (Mely) email: smrisp@pacbell.net
I sent my box out on Fri.
I sent 12 tubes of toothpaste and 6 packages of baby wipes.

Pam Stivers (mappam)- email:mappam@cfl.rr.com
Playing cards
Wash n Dry packets
Small packs of tissues
Box of small Zip style bags
Candy - left over Halloween = M&M, Skittles, Mixed "Wonka" bag and 'Then & Now'
Going to also add some paperback books and magazines to the box along with the soap etc.

Carla Pinate (Carlaveg) email: gabiven2000@yahoo.com
I'm sending:
1 Toothpaste
3 Toothbrushes
1 Package of raisors
2 Deodorants
1 Package of Gum
1 Package of Power Bars
and Of course Soapies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Renee Rice (Renee, Wi) email: rrice@wi.rr.com
Mary, Thanks for the addy I am so glad to help out, it really makes me feel good. The package is already in the mail. I sent 1 large tube tooth paste, 1 tooth brush, 2 bars of soap, 2 shaving creams, 1 hand cream, deodorant, 1 bottle of body lotion, 2 decks of cards and a 16 ounce jar soy candle. I hope alot of people do this our troops need these items very badly.

Phyliss Hoefelmeyer (Iowasoaper) email: phoefelmeyer@iowatelecom.net
Thanks to the shoppping & packing efforts of my Husband Henry, Step Son Tony, his girlfriend Kelly, we pack everything tonight. We are headed to the post office in the morning.

The 5 Boxes Include:
4 boxes 32ct general xmas Cards
Personal Xmas Cards:
11 - across the miles
68 - to mom
48 - to wife
24 - to mom & dad
12 - to husband
23 - decks of playing cards
2 - sets double 6 dominoes
15 - Toothpaste
21 - 5pk gum
11- Tuna in packs
5 - 40 ct baby wipes
10 - bags M&M
77- snak size doritos
175 bars of handmade soap (wow).

Phyllis's 2nd shipment:

I hope it makes it before Christmas.
12 - to mom Xmas cards
12 - to wife xmas cards
2 boxes - 32ct each General xmas cards
15 - 5pk Gum
2 Tins of Dutch Butter Cookies
2 Pkg Candy Canes
2 Pkgs - Xmas Nugant Candies
4 bag M&M's
10 Decks - Playing cards
24 bars - Lever 2000 (out of handmade soap)
9 tubes toothpaste
4 - 40ct baby wipes
2 boxes Dominos

Trish Hicks (moongirrl) - email: divasoaps@skybest.com

Lindsay Hudson (linziejoe) - email: lindsay_hudson@mail.com
Playing Cards
Ziplock baggies
and I can get cheap x-mas cards and blank cards from work.
That's all for now, but I'll see what I can do with $20 at walmart tomorrow, and hopefully will ship on Monday.

Donna Ackerman (DurtyNelly) - email: donnaack@bellsouth.net
I would like to send a care package, and can also send emails/letters.
Can't wait to get my package together! :-) Heck, I'll throw in some Copenhagen chew if I can find it! lol

My mom and I made up 40 zip lock goodie bags containing:
1 small bag doritos
1 bag peanut M&M's
1 granola bar
1 pack Big Red gum
2 Slim Jims
2 tootsie rolls

I hope they like the bags! Wish I had enough for everyone, but this box is HEAVY! Can you tell I shopped at Costco?

Thomas, Jackie, Patrick (Tejas) - email: thomas@soltica.com
Don't leave me out!
I shipped off this morning:
12 - 5oz Pepperoni sausage sticks
4 - 9oz Hillshire Summer Sausages
2 - Party Dip Bowls
3 - Bean Dips
3 - bags of chips
4 - bags of tortillas
4 - cans refried beans
2 - cans sliced jalapenos

Shannon Foster (FostersCreations) email: foster@clinton.net

Count me in for at least 12 of my 2.5oz USA Pride Soaps.
I will do my best to get them out this week.

Teamy Pino Group

Meshell61.. email: meshell61@yahoo.com
A few bottles of each following:

Body and hand lotion (unscented)
Liquid Soap
1000 swabs
several travel size games (connect 4, chess and checkers)
two packages of tennis balls
A few bags of candy
2 cans of lysol (laundry fresh mold and mildew remover).
Thanks for letting us know and participate in this well worthy cause!!!! I hope the men and women enjoy the little bit my family was able to do.

eleann..(Ele) email: eleann@hot.rr.com
Box shipped today. In it was candy, gum, snack bars, raisins, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, lip balm, nail clippers, word puzzle books, cards, dice, insoles, pencils & pens.

cymra (Nancy) email: nancy_gregg@ameritech.net (Will have her list soon)

rag doll (rags) email: melds_ragdoll@yahoo.com
ok as a dental student i have some stuff i can send...its not much but i have 20+ 1 oz tubes of toothpaste i'll send where you tell me...

work2play (Theresa) email: work2play23654@yahoo.com (will have her list soon)

Sherry5561 email: PUDDIN713@aol.com
First let me say that this is a great thing you are doing.

I am starting on a box/boxes but unfortunately I might not be able to mail out until the 1st of the month.

Shadddup (Darlene) email: babeshades@yahoo.com (Will have her list soon)

iamwicked2001 (Jill) email: iamwicked2001@yahoo.com (will have her list soon)
ya know im in....... smoooooooch ty ty lady of love!!

Joan Jackson email: jackson.joan.49@att.net
You are very welcome, and I'm going to pass the link along to members of my
church, as well as members of my daughter-in-law's church. Thanks for caring
about our men and women and setting this up Mary. You're the best!!

Again I want to thank you for allowing me to be a part of this special
program. I'm sorry it took so long for me to get things together, but I have
been battling pneumonia. My package is going out tomorrow morning, I went
today and purchased the things I wanted to send. I packaged: candy canes,
chocolate, cookies, pretzels for snacks. I also sent the travel size (so I
could get a bunch lol) of things like after shave, soap, toothpaste,
deodorant, floss, hand cream, etc.

Janra1 & Jim janra1@adelphia.net (Will have their list soon)

Lisa dazzling_doll3@yahoo.com (Will have her list soon)

westhimoa (Kathy) westhimoa@citynet.net (Will have her list soon)

luvangel4 (Wendy) Luvjt4@aol.com (Will have her list soon)

pinochleman41 pinochleman41@yahoo.com Jim.. Retired Air Force
I didn't see how to add my name to the list, but nomatter, I sent 12 tubes of toothpaste/brushes, 6 can of copenhagen, 8 bags of jerky.

Jan & Jim email: janra1@adelphia.net
We bought some disposable razors to send, and will send them

ns68 Norma ns68@yahoo.com (Will have her list soon)

Randy & Sandy Rohde RandyRohde@aol.com (Will have their list soon)

latir98 (Rita) latir98@yahoo.com (will have her list soon)

msjules2u2003 (Jules) swank@uti.com (will have her list soon)

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